Atonement in Confessional Lutheran Theology: Franz Pieper

Synoptic Text Information Services, Inc. has released its next new title, Atonement in Confessional Lutheran Theology: Franz Pieper. Presented in English are three of Franz Pieper’s writings about the atonement: The Doctrine of Christ’s Work, capturing the lecture notes on the atonement used at Concordia Seminary, the first translation of Die Lehre von Christi Werk: de Officio Christi (Baier III, 100-133) into English ever published. The Reconciliation of Man with God, a district convention address. The High Priestly Office of Christ, newly translated “Das hohepriesterliche Amt Christi” in Christliche Dogmatik (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1917), II.404-461. Pieper shows that the confessional Lutheran doctrine…

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