Atonement in Confessional Lutheran Theology: Franz Pieper

Synoptic Text Information Services, Inc. has released its next new title, Atonement in Confessional Lutheran Theology: Franz Pieper. Presented in English are three of Franz Pieper’s writings about the atonement: The Doctrine of Christ’s Work, capturing the lecture notes on the atonement used at Concordia Seminary, the first translation of Die Lehre von Christi Werk: de Officio Christi (Baier III, 100-133) into English ever published. The Reconciliation of Man with God, a district convention address. The High Priestly Office of Christ, newly translated “Das hohepriesterliche Amt Christi” in Christliche Dogmatik (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1917), II.404-461. Pieper shows that the confessional Lutheran doctrine…

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Vicarious Satisfaction in Lutheran Catechisms, Confessions, and Hymns

By T. R. Halvorson Lutheran Orthodoxy teaches that a vital part of the work of God in Christ is atonement by vicarious satisfaction. Vicarious satisfaction is attested in Scripture, the Lutheran confessions in the Book of Concord, explanations of the Catechism, Lutheran hymns, the liturgy, the Sacraments, and so on. Nevertheless, the atonement is in controversy in Lutheran circles. The adversaries deny vicarious satisfaction. They substitute a general amnesty that is announced in a bloodless absolution. According to them, the cross would not have been necessary had sinners only believed that God can and does just “up and forgive.” In…

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