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Atonement in Confessional Lutheran Theology: Chorus of Voices

Synoptic Text Information Services has released the second title in the series Atonement in Confessional Lutheran Theology. The new title is Atonement in Confessional Lutheran Theology: Chorus of Voices.

This volume is an anthology that presents a chorus of Lutheran voices teaching the Lutheran doctrine of Christ’s atonement. Their writings are evidence of two distinct things:

  1. Before and aside from whether it is true, what the Lutheran doctrine of atonement is.
  2. The Lutheran doctrine of atonement is true from Scripture and is the doctrine confessed in the Lutheran confessions.

On the first of those things, there are theologians and teachers within Lutherandom claiming to be the true representatives of Luther who teach materially different doctrines of Christ and his work. They claim that their various unorthodox doctrines of atonement are the Lutheran doctrine. This new title adds a chorus of voices showing those claims to be misrepresentation and showing that vicarious satisfaction is an indispensable part of the Lutheran doctrine.

On the second of those things, these voices present cogently the scriptural and confessional grounds of the orthodox Lutheran doctrine of atonement. They expose the insufficiency and errors of the heterodox and heretical counterfeits being passed off as the Lutheran doctrine of atonement. They lay Christ’s work of atonement as the foundation for the chief article of our faith, justification by faith alone.

The chorus includes W. H. T. Dau, Theodore Engelder, George O. Evenson, Martin H. Franzmann, A. L. Graebner, Leander S. Keyser, E. W. A. Koehler, Robert D. Preus, Rolf D. Preus, Heinrich Schmid, and George Stoeckhardt. In turn, they cite and quote Johann Gerhard, David Hollaz, Leonhard Hutter, Johann Köenig, and Johannes Quenstedt.

These voices enlarge the company of confessors in our other publications of Johannes Quenstedt, Wilhelm Baier, C. F. W. Walther, Abraham Calov, Franz Pieper, Jack D. Kilcrease, Theodosius Harnack, Gottfried Thomasius, and Friedrich Adolph Philippi.

SynopticText™ has published two volumes in its Atonement in Confessional Lutheran Theology Series (with additional volumes in development):

SynopticText™ has published three titles in its Atonement in Lutheran Orthodoxy Series: